SC12 in Salt Lake City

The description of the conference didn’t change – SC12 is still The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, but the location did: Salt Lake City in Utah, known to the historically inclined as the crossroads of the west. I had never been to SLC ever before but the last time I was in Utah was August of 2005 – a momentary step in and out of state border as part of Glenn Canyon Dam tour which, in itself, was part of a 3 day trip to the Grand Canyon.

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Hail to the spartans victors … for the 900th time, eh!

Football was rather an unfamiliar entity even after the first couple years in the US, partly because I honestly didn’t know that it even existed and partly because – my conclusions from an catching an occasional glimpse or two on television were that it was just a sport in which big dudes mindlessly ran into each other, piled on one another, often displaying unnecessary machoism and, the game itself seemed to lack any aesthetics and/or beauty.

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