CSS – Floating Next/Previous Links On Images

Why is this necessary, you ask? Ever since I first used PixelPost and deliciously delicious theme, I had been wanting to do something similar for my own photo gallery. Since PixelPost [nor any other photoblog software] ever came close to satisfying my needs, I ended up writing [still a work in progress to some extent] one on my own and the desire to have a jazzy Next and Previous links floating on images. Not reading through the CSS and trying to understand how exactly it was to be accomplished, I was under the [wrong] assumption that knowledge of Javascript was necessary/mandatory.

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MAC – Upgrading MacPorts

Wondering why is this necessary? Citing MacPorts,

An installation of MacPorts and the ports installed by it are only designed to work on a single OS release and a single CPU architecture. If you upgrade to a new OS version (e.g. from Tiger to Leopard) or migrate to a new machine with a different type of CPU (e.g. PowerPC to Intel), you may get lucky and have your ports keep working, but in general, things will break.

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