THE JINX IS BROKEN … On National Television!!!

As weird as it might sound, none of the men’s team from my school, Michigan Tech, had ever beaten a men’s team from our arch rivals, Northern Michigan, when I was part of the audience. I thought it had to do with my physical presence in the gym but apparently watching them over the internet was jinxed too. As ashamed as I was about this, I was equally proud of the fact that none of our women’s team had ever lost to the arch rivals; but I must admit – shame over-weighed my pride by a few orders of magnitude, in spite of the concerned athletes trying to convince me that it was them and not me

Huskies blew away Wildcats in Marquette’s Superior Dome (NMU’s home field) in a nationally televised Division II Football Game of the Week (thanks to CBS College Sports Network and FSN Detroit) to lay claim to the Miner’s Cup. During my recent trip up north, a bunch of these football players had promised to break my jinx and true to their words, that JINX is history now :)

God bless the internet and Skype, I got to watch this with buddy Kyle in Alaska. Honestly, I don’t think I have ever watched a game on TV (or any other program for that matter), in which I could claim personal acquaintance to so many – athletes, coaching staff and fans included. In spite of being over a thousand miles away from the venue, I couldn’t forget my usual role in such events and as such, ended up shooting some pictures:

Michigan Tech @ Northern Michigan

These and rest of the pictures from this game are here.

WordPress – Different Sidebars In Different Places

It might, at some point in a WordPress powered blog, become necessary to a show some widgets/stuff in some places (the main page, archives, etc.) while show a different set of widgets/stuff in some other places (static pages – about me, product reviews, etc.). To keep track of things and may be understand the process better, let us suppose that only those pages written in Product Reviews Template will use a different sidebar (Sidebar #2) while rest of the blog uses a common sidebar (Sidebar #1). Thanks to my dear friend, Amy – if not for her, I probably would have never learned about this hack.

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LaTeX2PDF – A Web Utility To Convert LaTeX Into PDF

  1. Not liking something is NOT THE SAME as hating it.
  2. With above point in mind, I do not like MS Word.
  3. With first point still in mind, I do not dislike and/or hate people who like and/or use MS Word.
  4. I LOVE LaTeX – nerds/geeks don’t feel like doing something (be it as simple a task as preparing a document) unless one actually compiles it (and gets error messages for mistakes); and whether you agree with me or not, I am one of them.

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