DVG – Mankutimmana Kagga – Verse 620
2009: Question n’ Answer
2009: Covered Drive (Atlantic Mine)
Producing Script r In LaTeX Expressions
When we have so many letters already, why would one need this fancy little Script r? While typesetting mathematical expressions that govern our (beautiful & elegant) physical universe, often one runs out of symbols and as such, it becomes necessary to use the same letter/character in different styles to convey the intended meaning. Electrodynamics and Gravitation are just a couple such fields that often use – fortunately or unfortunately – a variation of alphabet r, called the script r. I did try to generate this elusive script r in LaTeX for quite a few years and failed miserably every time. However a few days ago, Dr. Cantrell was looking for a way to accomplish the same and as such revived my almost forgotten interest in script r.
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