LaTeX Expressions – In Graphical Format

Disclaimer #0

  1. Not liking something is NOT THE SAME as hating it.
  2. With above point in mind, I do not like MS Word – reasons for not liking it could actually be another blog entry and I will reserve it for some other day.
  3. With first point still in mind, I do not dislike and/or hate people who like and/or use MS Word.
  4. I LOVE LaTeX – nerds/geeks don’t feel like doing something (be it as simple a task as preparing a document) unless one actually compiles it (and gets error messages for mistakes); and whether you agree with me or not, I am one of them.

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PERL – Password Encryption


The instructions/steps/scripts/methods given below worked for me running CentOS. It may very well work for you on other linux distributions, Red Hat-like or otherwise. Please note that if you decide to use these instructions on your machine, you are doing so entirely at your very own discretion and that neither this site,, nor its author is responsible for any/all damage – intellectual or otherwise.

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BASH – Sum Of All Integers Between Given Two Integers


The instructions/steps/scripts/methods given below worked for me running CentOS. It may very well work for you on other linux distributions, Red Hat-like or otherwise. Please note that if you decide to use these instructions on your machine, you are doing so entirely at your very own discretion and that neither this site,, nor its author is responsible for any/all damage – intellectual or otherwise.

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Joy Of Walking Across Countries

Accomplishing the real reason for visiting NIC/CBB at Jülich meant that I have a full Saturday to roam around and see/do things that have been on my wishlist. Thanks to all the walking I got to do in town as well as between train station and the research center has added pleasure of walking to the list of new things learned or old things re-realized during my stay here. Although I wanted (desperately) to visit Ulm for scientifically historic reasons (hint: some body hailing from here went on to make 1905 annus mirabilis), but the length of the journey (nearly 6 hours one way, not counting layovers) and the cost of the journey (about € 100 each way) changed my plans.

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