2014: NPS Birthday Run 10k

From time immemorial to first week of May 2010, Isle Royale National Park was something that just existed in signs (boats, roadside and in Houghton county airport), in others’ travel journals hidden in the far — and sometimes dark — corners of the internet, in photographs, and often as a figment of my imagination. And one day, in a fine watering hole that a bunch of us frequented with more regularity than the four seasons winter of Yoop, dear friend Jaime asked Nils and myself if we’d be interested in going to The Island as part of the Queen’s crew. I don’t recall neither Nils nor I neither thinking much nor flinching before saying yes (well, it was more like YES!).

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2006: Northwestern Rendezvous

Didn’t I promise to tell you about some exotic adventure in my previous entry? Hopefully, my narration/description will live up to your expectations – if not, take a tour of these places and you can feel it yourself. BTW, I am looking for a way to generate a map of the route that was followed in this trip – if any of you know a decent way of getting it done, please do let me know.

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